Friday, November 14, 2008

Encore Belle

Just a couple of items before I'm put back into my cage.

The girl has been complaining that the boy has been getting better press, especially since the earlier group photos, concerning which she has put out a formal disclaimer that she was unprepared for the photo shoot. And I have to admit, she is right and deserves a formal apology and correction. Therewith please find below, the photo of simply the most beautiful little girl in the world... not that I'm biased or anything.

Montpellier like everything else seems even more beautiful after the American election. The world simply looks brighter even if nothing has physically changed yet. The ice is still melting, chunks of Africa are still starving, and there are still millions and millions of jerks running around trying to stuff everything and everyone into their warped sense of morality. But the proverbial glass is now half full instead of half empty. And so it is beautiful.

Everything I read indicates that most other Americans living abroad are enjoying the same experience after the Presidential elections as I am. Something like what I imagine it would feel to be suddenly cured of leprosy. Phenomenally liberating. Now, if the dollar...


Anonymous said...

The girl is lovely, no doubt about that. Her father can be proud, but he can be also proud of his boy whose picture is so cute!

Here in the boonies of SoCal the impact of Obama's election is felt only at the individual level, so far.
However, sixty miles north the uproar is about Proposition 8. Palm Springs is on fire, sort of. There are demonstrations after demonstrations. Let's hope the California supreme Court will invalidate that initiative that should not have seen the light of day in the first place. Bigotry is alive and well.

At long last, the Euro is loosing strength, which makes the dollar look so much better. This morning it is $1.267 for €1. Not bad considering what it was last summer!

Papadesdeux said...

... sigh... alas, California prop 8 and the other similar ballot measures or at least the social and political realities from which they came are a big part of why I have this convoluted family. Fortunately it works quite well, so in an odd sort of way, I suppose I should thank all these individuals who have in the past, and continue to try, to keep me and mine behind closed doors. Without them my two irrepressible little monsters wouldn't exist, and frankly I wouldn't trade them for any nod of acceptance from anyone in the world.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely spot on about the feelings of being an American after the election. I can breathe almost a sigh of relief. Funny though Obama barely made ripples here in Eastern Europe. They don't trust him very much, this foreign man. Curious...

Betty Carlson said...

The girl IS absolutely adorable.

And it does feel good to be an American in Europe again. (I got French nationality a few years back just in case, though.)